is an app developed by:

A company dedicated to personal and business consulting, focused on facial analysis and interpretation.


We teach the meaning of facial features in an integrated approach and the multiple applications in personal and business environments.


Through personal and couple consulting, we help our clients and users to be aware of their strengths and identify areas of improvement to improve their lives.


Improving family, friend, partner, and work relationships.


In human resources, it is used to identify the true strengths and abilities of job candidates, using this knowledge as a complement to traditional candidate assessment techniques.


In sales and marketing, it is useful in focusing your presentations depending to a client depending on the type of mindset of your prospect or client.


In education, it is applied to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of students.


In film casting, it is used in selecting an actor that has the facial features of the personality of a character, or to emphasize through make-up the facial features of the character.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways to apply this knowledge.

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